A control system is a system of devices or set of mechanisms that manages, commands, directs, or regulates the behavior of other systems to achieve a desired output. Control systems are widely used in engineering, automation, robotics, and industrial applications to maintain stability, accuracy, and performance.
Types of Control Systems
1. Open-Loop Control System
- The output does not affect the input.
- No feedback mechanism.
- Example: Washing machine, electric kettle.
2. Closed-Loop Control System (Feedback System)
- Uses feedback to adjust the input based on output.
- More accurate and stable.
- Example: Air conditioner with a thermostat, cruise control in cars.
Components of a Control System
- Controller – Processes the input and determines the control action.
- Plant (Process) – The system to be controlled.
- Actuator – Converts control signals into actions.
- Sensor – Measures the output and sends feedback.
- Feedback Mechanism – Helps compare output with the desired setpoint.
Examples of Control Systems
- Industrial Automation – Robotic arms, conveyor belts.
- Electrical Systems – Voltage regulators, power grids.
- Mechanical Systems – Automatic braking in cars.
- Biomedical Systems – Heart rate monitoring systems.
- Teacher: Sinam Ajitkumar Singh